Using the full potential on Xbox Series X would represent problems with the GPUUsing the full potential on Xbox Series X would represent problems with the GPU{"src_avatar":"https:\/\/\/\/public\/uploads\/images\/590252\/590252_64x64.jpg","nickname":"Mardokeo" ,"user_name":"Mardokeo Galv\u00e1n","user_link":"\/user\/Mardokeo","posts":390,"theme":"gray","cover":false,"status":true }We are close to the launch of the new generation of consoles.There may not be much to say about consoles as a consumer, but it's different in the developer environment as they already have the ability to work with it.It is thanks to them that a little more is known about its benefits.On this occasion, a Crytek developer spoke about it and showed that, in his opinion, PlayStation 5 has some advantages over Xbox Series X.We know this thanks to a Vigiato interview (translated by man4dead, via Wccftech) with Ali Salehi, rendering engineer at Crytek, a studio that is apparently already developing for both consoles.Salehi's responses reinforce what some developers have said about PlayStation 5 in terms of ease of development on PlayStation 5, stating that “coding for PlayStation 5 is extremely simple and has so many skills that make them [developers] so free ” and that it is easier to make the PlayStation 5 reach its full potential.In that sense, Saheli confessed that "PlayStation 5 is a better console."In case you missed it: The design of the PlayStation 5 is not yet known, but the one made by this fan drew attention to having a modern and retro inspiration.What stands out is that Salehi mentions that "developing for Xbox Series X can be somewhat challenging" due to the consoles software and the use of 2 different parts of RAM, which differ in bandwidth.“Because the total amount of stuff we want to put in the fast part is so much that it could cause problems.And if we want to support 4K, this will be another story.So there will be some things that will stop the GPU, "said the developer.Likewise, Salehi also referred that there is definitely a "huge difference" in the processing units of each console, which favors Xbox Series X, but mentioned that in terms of teraflops they do not differ much.Salehi commented that the PlayStation 5 will almost always work at 10.28 teraflops, while the Xbox Series X will reach 12 teraflops in "ideal situations".Apparently, there was a problem with the information, as man4dead stated that Salehi is no longer endorsing the content of the interview due to personal reasons.What is your opinion on these statements?Do you think this will affect development for both consoles?Tell us in the comments.If after seeing this, you are interested in the specifications of the next generation consoles, then you should check out this comparison.While some developers are interested in PlayStation 5 features, there is a report that Sony is in trouble.You can find more news related to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X by clicking on their names.Stay informed with us, at LEVEL UP.Advertise |Contact |Report | and the LEVELUP logo are registered trademarks.Rights Reserved © LEVELUP.COM S de RL de CV