Homes England is seeking a contractor to undertake earthworks for a large-scale residential development at Lighthorne Heath in Warwickshire.
The pre-procurement notice for the £6M contract was published last week (17 February), with the tender exercise due to start in March.
The earthworks will support a large-scale residential development which is being built near Lighthorne Heath, a small village situated between a decommissioned RAF airfield and the M40 motorway. Around 3,000 homes are planned on land surrounding the village.
The chosen contractor will undertake site wide excavation including the processing of hard materials for future reuse on site, as well as the re-engineering of land levels in accordance with proposed development site levels. Materials will be compacted to an engineering specification.
Works further include the construction of a reinforced soil acoustic bund in accordance with detailed design drawings, the installation of associated drainage to the bund and a 2m high acoustic fence on the crest.
The contractor will also build attenuation basins to the north and south with associated levels and detailing, construct and install headwalls, surface water drainage connections and the outfall to allow the attenuation basins to drain.
They will be responsible for undertaking reinstatement work comprising of topsoil spread and seeding across the site and boundary treatments as set out in the design, and soft landscaping planting on the bund and inside of attenuation basins only.
Additionally, work includes geotechnical testing, as well as the provision of a validation report, an as-built topographical survey, and of warranties assignable to the future developer.
The preferred contractor will be required to start in June 2022 and will be expected to complete the required works within 18 months.
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Tagged with: contract earthworks homes england tender
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