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This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/farming-recovery-fund-terms-conditions-of-the-february-2020-agreements/annex-d-standard-cost-specifications
Stone walls need to be rebuilt to their original height in the local style. Farmers should refer to the height and style of other stone walls nearby that are in good condition.
Remove any leftover materials used to complete the wall from the site and restore the ground where the work has been carried out.
Restore the wall so it matches the stone types and wall styles in the immediate area. There can be distinctive local variations – often in relatively small areas. The style is determined by the composition, shape and size of the stone used and the way it can be split and shaped. Using the right type of stone will ensure the required style can be matched.
This supplement can only be used on walls being restored using the stone wall restoration item. The walls must be:
This item can be used on the same length as the following items:
This item can be used on the same length as the following items:
This can only be used where farmers are applying for restoration of fencing, for example, post and wire, sheep netting or permanent electric fencing.
This can be used where the site being fenced:
Farmers must complete the associated fencing to the relevant specification.
Specifications for the fence woodwork
Specifications for the height of the fence and the size of the mesh
This item can be used on the same length as the following items:
If the area has a local style then the gate should be constructed to match, including using the same timber. If there is no local style then the following specifications should be used:.
Hang and clap the gate separately from an adjoining fence line - don’t use the hanging post as an end strainer.
Then do one of the following:
Weather cap the top of the gate posts.
Frame the gates soundly and use wooden materials. All gates should match in height with the adjoining fence and be fitted with the appropriate fittings for their operation. If gateways need widening during wall or bank restoration, or to create a new opening, planning permission may be needed. Consult the National Park authority or the local planning authority about hedgerow regulations and the permission needed.
Make sure that the galvanised metal field gate meets the relevant British Standards.
Hang and clap the gate separately from an adjoining fence line - don’t use the hanging post as an end strainer.
Then do one of the following:
Set up a stone or slate gate post in the local material, cut or tooled to the size and shape typical of the local area.
Fit a gate across the river or stream. Make sure that the gate:
The gate must consist of a series of wooden droppers attached to a length of wire cable, or a round wooden rail suspended horizontally between straining posts. The droppers must be:
If the stream gully is more than 1.5m deep, construct the gate in several sections. The droppers must be:
All the capital works carried out must meet the relevant British Standards. Examine copies of the most up-to-date standards for guidance.
When carrying out the work:
All the capital works carried out must meet the relevant British Standards. Examine copies of the most up-to-date standards for guidance.
All the capital works carried out must meet the relevant British Standards. Examine copies of the most up-to-date standards for guidance.
Farmers must also protect the base of the entrance and the exit ramp, as this will help to prevent bankside erosion. Use either rock armouring or coarse gravel or hardcore for protection. If rock armouring is used cobble-sized rocks should be used to create as flat a surface as possible. Fill any gaps with coarse gravel or hardcore.
If coarse gravel or hardcore are used:
All the capital works carried out must meet the relevant British Standards. Examine copies of the most up-to-date standards for guidance.
Installation of piped culverts in ditches
Where the above standard specifications for the culvert are not suitable for the weight of machinery using the crossing applicants must obtain advice from a drainage or bridge engineer and complete the works in accordance with their advice. Farmers are responsible for ensuring the culvert does not collapse.
Famers are likely to need to:
Compact down soil bunds then sow a seed mixture at a rate of 24g/m2. Form the seed mix from grass, legumes and wildflower, for example:
Weirs and outlets can be built into the design as they can discharge more water than pipes and are less likely to block up. The water should be directed onto stones or boulders to slow flow for piped overflows or weirs in ditches and ponds.
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