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Wondering what the key differences are between palisade and mesh security fencing options? The team at Barkers Fencing, part of HS Security, offers some advice.
When it comes to specifying security fencing, there is a range of options to choose from. But the two main choices are palisade security fencing and mesh security fencing. In theory, both metal fences are designed to do the same thing; to protect high-value assets and sensitive sites.
However, there are benefits and drawbacks for each. In this blog, we will be highlighting both, to hopefully aid you in your decision when specifying a metal high-security fence.
Palisade fencing systems are designed to provide a formidable long-lasting barrier against would-be intruders. It’s often seen around industrial parks and areas where valuable assets are held.
Pros Of palisade fencing systems
One of the main pros of palisade fencing is its intimidating appearance. The fences can range anywhere up to three metres tall, with its typically spiked design making it difficult to climb over.
For an extra level of security, the pales of the fence can also be curved away from the building, making the fence even harder to climb.
Palisade fencing is made of thick steel, that along with added spikes, deters attempts to break in as attackers can see the difficulty of entry. It’s also extremely easy to install, and much more convenient than its mesh counterpart. The fencing comes in individual pieces, as opposed to panelling, making it easier to install into sloping ground, while it can adapt to contours in the earth due to it not being installed in panels.
There are cheaper, lower security options available, depending on the site-specific needs. However, even these can be modified for extra security.
Although palisade fencing looks intimidating, this can also contribute to its biggest downfall. Many people using the protected area, and those that live around it, may not want to see such an invasive fence regularly.
The installation of metal security fencing also requires more materials, as it comes in individual pieces, so material and labour costs may be higher.
Usually mesh fencing is used in areas that need security, but are in the public eye, such as around schools or commercial premises.
A wide range of mesh is also available in different strengths, to meet specification needs.
Pros of mesh fencing systems
Probably the biggest advantage of mesh fencing is the cost – it’s usually around 40% cheaper than palisade fencing, while providing a similar level of security.
Mesh is also more visually appealing, meaning it can be used almost anywhere. without disrupting the general public living close to the site.
As mesh fencing comes in panels, it is ideal for flat surfaces and can be assembled very quickly and easily, saving time and money in labour costs.
It is also available in a range of colours and can be powder coated to match your branding. You can also upgrade your mesh fence with additions such as different forms of wire to make it harder to scale.
One of the biggest disadvantages of mesh fencing is because it’s visually more appealing than palisade, it’s perceived to be less secure, and easier to attack. In addition, as it isn’t made of thick steel, mesh fencing would be much easier to cut through than a palisade option, using less complex tools, in a shorter time.
Mesh fencing can also cause installation problems on uneven surfaces, due to it being manufactured in panels. If there is a drop in the surface, there may be a gap under the fence, which may result in the ground needing to be filled in to ensure the fence can still perform efficiently.
Although it is more economical initially, when upgrading the security of the fence, such as with anti-climb technology, costs can quickly rise.
Weighing up the pros’ and cons of mesh and palisade, it’s clear that palisade is the ideal security solution. However, those driven by price rather than design and manufacture are likely to opt for mesh fencing.
A combination of both tested fencing systems can be used to meet the requirements of the sight and those in the local area.
Find out more from the team at Barkers Fencing, or, for further advice on mesh and palisade fencing, download Barkers Fencing’s mini guide, here.
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