We look after highway trees to make sure that they are kept in a good condition and do not make the highway unsafe.
Trees are inspected on a planned rotational basis by experienced and qualified professionals.
When inspecting trees we assess:
We do not deal with nuisance related issues, such as:
If a tree is causing a risk to pedestrians or road users, report it online.
We plant trees from early November to the end of March.
We replant all trees that are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) within 2 years of removal.
We have an annual tree planting programme to replace trees and consider a wide range of issues to decide when and where trees are to be planted. We follow the “right tree, right place" approach. It is not always possible to plant trees on the highway even if a tree was previously there because there may be gas, electric supplies, or overhead cables.
As part of our long-term plan for tree planting, we collect sites that may be suitable for planting in future years and add these to our forward plan. These may be old sites or completely new sites where trees haven’t been planted before. If you are aware of any sites suitable for highway trees or have proposals for larger schemes, then you can raise a request:
We will then review the site and determine if it can be added to our forward programme.
We also actively work with residents, councillors and voluntary groups who provide external funding for tree planting. To find out more read our how you can help section.
We try to keep as many trees as possible. However, sometimes removal is the most appropriate course of action.
We value the trees that we have and aim to protect them for future generations. Where trees are damaged by third parties or we are asked to remove trees to allow changes or improvements to the highway, we use a system called the Capital Asset Value for Amenity Trees (CAVAT). This puts a value on the benefits trees provide such as:
The system is an expert-based, nationally recognised amenity tree valuation tool which provides a basis for managing publicly maintained trees as assets rather than liabilities. The system uses a formula based on trunk size which is adjusted for the tree's health and function and its value to the community.
It has been designed to assist local authorities in achieving an appropriate level of compensation where publicly owned trees are damaged or removed by utility companies, crossover applicants and developers or to facilitate access to the highway for new developments.
Find out more about our fees and charges.
To help decide if a tree is unsafe and should be removed, we sometimes use specialist equipment which shows the decay of tree.
We work with industry experts, governing bodies and other local authorities to manage any outbreaks of tree pests and diseases that threaten Kent’s tree asset.
Find out more about how we manage ash dieback in Kent.
If we must cut down trees, the stumps will be cut at approximately one metre in height. This is less likely to be a trip hazard.
We aim to remove stumps from grass verges within 3 months. However, funds currently restrict the removal of stumps within a hard surfaces such as pavements, and these may remain for a number of years prior to removal.
If you have a tree enquiry relating to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), conservation areas or trees on development sites, please contact your local planning authority.
Our contracted tree surgeons can remove fallen trees that are causing an obstruction or hazard to the public highway only. Our priority is the safety of the public, if our stewards establish that a tree is caught up in third party apparatus, they will identify the asset owner and advise accordingly.
When excavating close to trees, electricity, water, gas, and cable companies have agreed to follow a code of practice. This includes the facility for hand digging within the root protection zone.
If a tree is causing an obstruction or a hazard to a public highway, call 03000 41 81 81.
Buses are an important part of Kent’s transport network. Under the Highways Act, property owners have a responsibility to keep vegetation on their property under control, to ensure safe passageway for buses and other vehicles.
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You need to enable JavaScript in your browser to watch this video.
Bus routes - video transcript
Read our guidance on our requirements when cutting back vegetation on bus routes (PDF, 1.7 MB).
You can help by watering new trees during dry weather. A couple of buckets of water once a week will make a difference.
If you mow grass verges please be careful when cutting around trees. Any damage to the bark will reduce the life of the tree.
To request a new tree is planted you must follow the guidelines below:
We will review the site and we will work with you to decide the most appropriate species for the location.
If a private tree is causing a risk to pedestrians or road users, we ask that the owner cuts it back.
If you can't contact the owner, report it online and we will contact the owner (if possible). We will cut back the tree so the road can be reopened. The cuttings will be left on the property and we ask that the owner disposes of them.
If a council owned tree is not blocking a road or pavement and is not a safety concern, report it online. However, if a tree is blocking a road or pavement, please call 03000 41 81 81 to report this emergency.